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Our Team consist of passionate and compassionate fans from all genres of sports around the globe. Individuals just like you committed to ending child abuse of any kind. You to can join the effort to remove any fear from a childs life by joining the Cause! Help us help kids!

Fans of all genres around the world have taken a stand against child abuse, neglect and bullying. There is a ground swell of support happening on a global scale as it relates to children, people are finally questioning why are our children being abused without public cries of disqus? Well enough is enough!


Sports fans have become the face of advocacy to prevent and end child abuse. Our team of compassionate fans will be the voice speaking on behalf of abused child unable to defend or speak out against their abusers! Its our goal to bring as much public attention to this horrific problem facing our world...

Our Team

Sports Fans

The importance of our current and any future corporate partnerships can not be understated or over appreciated. Thier involvement is vital to the success of Fans Against Child Abuse and its Mission. Money and access are necessary componants to securing our marketing and advertising.



Corporate Partners
Celebrity Support

Our Mission is to stimulate a dialog to help find a way to end child abuse, there will be no better way to get the attention of compassionate individuals and the media we'll need to accomplish that goal without the support of popular celebrity athletes and entertainers! We have and will continue to work to secure stars.


For whatever reason people are moved when they see celebrities who stand up and endorse a Cause. We strongly believe the time has come for singers, actors, athletes and city officials to take ownership of this issue and join the fight we are waging against child abuse. It will no longer be acceptable for humanity to turn a blind eye ...

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